Electrical system provider Purkeys has introduced a new line of chargers to keep liftgates properly charged and ready for use. Purkeys Direct and Select liftgate charging systems will increase charge time and analyze proper operation of components, the company said.When installed, the automatic systems use a DC-to-DC converter to more effectively charge liftgate batteries. Importantly, both monitor the available electrical resources of the vehicle, charging the liftgate batteries without compromising the source batteries’ ability to start the engine.Easy to understand indicator lights show when the liftgate batteries and charging source are operational. This newly patent pending indicator light system will show if there are any issues and where to start diagnostics, allowing an operator to make a fix before a costly and time-consuming breakdown.The Direct system utilizes a single source as its liftgate charging source but fleets can choose from a variety of path options. The advanced Select system can choose from multiple charging sources and chooses the best available source from either the dual/single combo, reefer and 7-way. Because the system can accommodate any of the variety of configurations presented by each unique tractor, it is ideal for companies that lease trailers as they don’t always know how the tractors are configured.