The family of Jason Rivenburg, who was killed in a robbery attempt at an abandoned South Carolina gas station, has created a web site to generate interest in providing safe places for truckers to stop. Several U.S. representatives and senators, including bill sponsors Rep. Paul Tonko (D-NY) in the U.S. House and Sen. Charles Schumer (D-NY) in the Senate, are pushing bills appropriately nicknamed “Jason’s Law.”
The bills, H.R. 2156 and S. 971, would provide government funding for creating, improving and public awareness of rest stop areas for truckers. The bills have the support of the American Trucking Assn. and should have your support as well.
“ATA supports this critical legislation and urges quick action in Congress,” said Gov. Bill Graves, ATA president & CEO. “The parking shortage for commercial motor vehicles comprises the safety of drivers out on the road and requires a comprehensive solution involving all interested parties.”
Jason Rivenburg left behind his wife Hope, a two-year-old son, Joshua, and twins, Logan and Hezekiah, who were born shortly after his death. Jason was just 12 miles from his destination when he was killed, having stopped for the night before making an early morning delivery of milk.
“Jason always said not to say ‘I can’t; you do not know unless you try,’” reads a statement posted on the family’s web site. “We are trying; it is too late for Jason, but hopefully we can save another family from going through this horrible, senseless act. Please keep passing the word on about ‘Jason’s Law’ and doing whatever you can to help get this legislation passed to protect all of the truckers out there.”
The bills have been sent to committees for review, but they are essential pieces of legislation, in my view, that will protect the drivers who deliver so much of our daily goods. To give them, and their families, the piece of mind of knowing they will return home safely is priceless.
To show your support for Jason’s Law, visit to sign an online petition urging passage of the bill, or call, write or email your local congressman. The time is now.