Edy’s Dibs bite-size ice cream snacks are traveling the nation in style in the World’s Littlest Ice Cream Truck.
The company wanted a customized ice cream truck to deliver its poppable Dibs mini treats, which led to the creation of the World’s Littlest Ice Cream Truck and a partnership with Ron Canyon, a motor makeover artist. Canyon Motors has created custom vehicles for celebrities including Jennifer Lopez, Lebron James, Faith Evans, and Busta Rhymes.
Canyon and his team have transformed a red Mini Cooper into a pint-size ice cream truck. This vehicle is equipped with technology including 32- and 23-inch LCD flat panel TVs, a Mac Mini, iPod Mini docking station, touch screen applications, wireless Internet access, an exterior web cam, and a freezer drawer that slides out of the back via remote control.
To add “bling,” the truck sports 19-inch spinner wheels, as well as flared fenders, an extended roof with a rag top, and a custom sound system.
The World’s Littlest Ice Cream Truck is scheduled to tour the United States in summer 2005 stopping in 10 cities. To see the truck and sample some Dibs, check out the tour schedule on www.dreyers.com or www.edys.com.