The truck companies, represented mainly by the Mexican trucking association Cãmara Nacional de Carga (CANACAR), have complained that growing fines and increased tolls have been cutting into their profits. They threatened a border protest and a massive detour around Pharr’s bridge, but they have agreed to table any action while negotiations are ongoing, CANCAR officials said.
Truckers say that Texas Department of Public Safety troopers have been issuing too many citations for what they consider minor or first offenses. They often must pay fines immediately which delays shipments.
The deal worked out by the three parties calls for a monthly meeting to discuss the situation and try to defuse hostilities. CANCAR will give ID cards to members which would allow them to defer payment of fines up to ten days instead of paying them on the spot. Last, officials of Pharr would lobby the state legislature to change the law so carriers would be allowed time to fix safety violations before being fined.