The Maryland State Highway Administration (SHA) is now accepting credit card and e-check payments for customers purchasing oversized/overweight load permits. Customers can also replenish escrow accounts or pay invoices through the new method.
There is no need to create an account. Customers simply log into SHA’s Automated Hauling Permit System (AHPS) at, as a “guest.” There is a $4 service fee per transaction, which is charged by Vital Chek, the vendor providing the service.
The site can also be accessed from under Business Center/Commercial Vehicle Operations/Hauling Permits/Online Permitting.
The State’s maximum legal loads are as follows: 80,000 lbs. maximum weight, 8 ft, 6-in. maximum width and maximum height is 13-ft., 6-in.
Any load exceeding the Maryland’s maximum is required to apply for a hauling permit to travel on state highways.
SHA said it issues more than 175,000 permits per year.