The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has named Schneider Logistics a SmartWay Transport Partner. Schneider said it will expand its SmartWay efforts beyond its freight management carriers to its 10,000 transportation management carriers.
According to the company, 71% of the miles driven in the past 12 months by Schneider Logistics’ freight management network moved on SmartWay-certified third-party carriers.
As a SmartWay Transport Partner, Schenider Logistics agreed to increase its SmartWay carrier usage by 10%; give SmartWay Transport Partner carriers an advantage in the freight bidding process; have logistics customers reduce idling when loading and unloading, and educate its employees on their own personal carbon footprints.
The SmartWay Transport Partnership is a voluntary collaboration between the EPA and the freight industry geared towards increasing energy efficiency while reducing greenhouse gases and air pollution.
View more EPA SmartWay, emmissions reduction news from Fleet Owner.