The American Trucking Assns. is warning members to be alert to bogus invoices that are being faxed by an unknown party that some may mistakenly pay thinking they are renewing membership with the trucking association.
“It has recently come to ATA’s attention that invoices are being faxed to members asking for payment in the amount of $685 for annual membership dues and directory listing,” ATA says.
The invoices are purportedly from a group called The American Truckers Assn. Payment is requested to be sent to an address in Brockton, MA, payable to the Membership Dept. of ATA Association.
“This fax is not from American Trucking Assns.— the real ATA. ATA is attempting to determine the source of these faxes. In the meantime, ATA’s invoicing and billing information remains unchanged,” the association said in an announcement.