Sylectus, a strategic business unit of Qualcomm Enterprise Services, has expanded its web-based transportation management software (TMS) network to include partner fleets and carriers that specialize in North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) services.
Sylectus said that by accessing its network of NAFTA partners, fleets can now expand into new, international markets by serving customers that need to transport freight across the U.S.-Canada and U.S.-Mexico borders.
According to Sylectus, small-to-medium sized for-hire fleets and larger private fleets can benefit from Sylectus’ NAFTA Alliance network in these key ways:
Serves as extension of Sylectus’ existing TMS network. Expands the Sylectus network to include partners in other international countries, immediately giving existing Sylectus customers access to those new markets so they can leverage the resources and expertise of those partners to their fullest advantage
Helps fleets navigate requirements more easily within other geographies. Collaborating with companies that already understand how to effectively navigate its local geographies, transportation laws, customs requirements and cultural differences can help fleets and their drivers avoid significant ramifications and mitigate risks
Provides near real-time tracking of fleet loads. Fleets that may not already have the ability to track the location and status of loads across international borders can now do so in real time by utilizing their partner’s on-board telematics system
“Managing fleet operations across international borders involves a thorough and specialized understanding of country-specific compliance issues, customs clearance and paperwork requirements, cultural differences and local transportation laws,” said Stuart Sutton, senior director at Qualcomm Enterprise Services and general manager of Sylectus.
“We have found that many of our customers lack the resources and experience in NAFTA services and are therefore forced to turn away opportunities that would have otherwise positively impacted their bottom line,” he continued. “By adding NAFTA coverage to the Sylectus network, our customers can now easily serve their respective customers across North America by leveraging the resources of partner fleets with this knowledge.”
The Sylectus NAFTA network is available as an optional TMS module designed for small-to-medium sized fleets and larger private fleets. For more information, go to Sylectus’ website.