Aljex Software has partnered with HubTran to bring back-office document management technology to the transportation industry. Software integration makes HubTran available now to Aljex clients within the Aljex system, Aljex said.Cloud-based HubTran begins by recognizing, sorting, and organizing transportation documents such as bills of lading, proof of delivery, and other supporting documents, according to the company. Then HubTran identifies and extracts information like bill numbers, carrier names, and more. A transaction appears on a single screen for your approval, with the critical information filled in and supporting documents attached. HubTran technology checks and double checks itself, avoiding double payments and dealing with exceptions, the company added.“HubTran has created an inventive technology that greatly simplifies the job of handling the many forms generated with every load and every shipment, day after day,” said Aljex CEO Tom Heine. “We’re pleased to integrate HubTran so Aljex clients can take advantage of this great tool the most convenient way, within Aljex.”“HubTrans and Aljex share a passion for automating the chores of transportation management. It’s about saving man-hours, of course, but it’s also about doing the job quicker and more accurately,” said HubTran CEO Matt Bernstein. “We’re very glad to partner with Aljex.”