The U.S. Air Force has taken delivery of a TerraPro Low Entry diesel-electric hybrid refuse truck from Mack. The vehicle was delivered to the Air Force's Advanced Power Technology Office (APTO) at Warner Robbins Air Logistics Center on Robbins Air Force Base in Georgia. It is the fifth hybrid truck Mack has built for the USAF.
The TerraPro hybrid has a rear loading refuse packer body and is equipped with a 325 hp. '07-compliant Mack MP7 engine. The Mack hybrid-electric powertrain features an integrated starter, alternator and motor that assists the MP7 in providing torque to the wheels and regenerates energy during braking. The energy captured is stored as electricity in lithium ion batteries and then used in place of diesel fuel to help launch the truck. The hybrid system is expected to improve fuel economy by 20 to 30% and provide a similar benefit on greenhouse emissions while reducing the cost of maintenance, Mack says.
“Mack shares the Air Force's commitment to reducing both the country's dependence on fossil fuels and imported oil as well as the impact of truck operations on the environment,” says Dennis Slagle, Mack president and CEO. “The vehicles we're producing under this partnership are a key stepping stone to offering commercially viable hybrid electric vehicles to our customers.”
After APTO reviews and tests the truck, it will provide it to the City of Macon, GA, for continued testing in its municipal waste collection operation. The testing is part of an agreement between APTO, Macon and the Clean Cities Coalition of Georgia. Fuel consumption and overall vehicle operation will be monitored.