Truck and bus OEM Navistar has announced it will offer Eaton Corp.’s diesel-electric hybrid propulsion drive system as an option on its school bus line. The OEM said this will provide school districts with a vehicle that reduces fuel consumption and emissions simultaneously.
Navistar’s IC Bus CE Series hybrid electric school bus combines the company’s MaxxForce DT diesel engine with an electric motor and lithium-ion battery pack that provides peak power output of 44 kilowatts. Through regenerative braking, the battery pack charge is controlled to provide a steady supply of power, allowing for less wear and tear on brakes and additional operational savings, noted Navistar.
Eaton mates the combined diesel-electric system to an automated six-speed Eaton transmission, which includes the company’s hill-start assist to keep the bus from rolling backwards on a grade. Altogether, the diesel-electric hybrid bus platform can provide up to a 30%t improvement in fuel economy, up to a 35% reduction in oxides of nitrogen [NOx] emissions and up to an 85% reduction in particulate matter [PM] or soot from the bus’ exhaust stream, according to the company.
“School districts across the country are looking for ways to reduce their fuel cost and provide a greener footprint for their community without compromising passenger or driver comfort,” said Dimitri Kazarinoff, vp & gm of Eaton’s Hybrid Power Systems Div. He noted that IC Bus and Eaton are backing up the entire hybrid system with a 5-year/ unlimited-mileage warranty