As part of its 40th anniversary Earth Day celebrations, Schneider National was presented with the Fleet Owner 2010 Green Fleet of the Year Award by dir. of editorial development Wendy Leavitt in a ceremony held at the fleet’s massive customer service center.
Calling the truckload carrier and logistics provider “a bellwether company for the entire industry, a fleet against which others measure themselves,” Leavitt said the award recognized Schneider National for “its history of commitment to sustainability, dedication to driver training, and green equipment, policies and practices.”
Accepting the award, Marc Rogers, vp-- Truckload Regional, said: “Schneider recognizes that our role within the industry can have a significant and lasting impact. Conserving our precious natural resources and leaving a cleaner world for our children and grandchildren is certainly worth the effort. Every Schneider National associate plays a role in making our company and in turn, our world, greener. Thank you, Schneider associates, for going green with us. This award is for all of us!”
Also on hand for the presentation was Jeff Blocher, WIX brand manager. WIX is the founding sponsor of the annual Fleet Owner Green Fleet Award.