NASHVILLE. FuelDefendGlobal unveiled March 9 the VehicleProtector!, an alarm system designed to thwart the theft of diesel particulate filters, catalytic converters and batteries. The system, available in versions with two or three sensors, will be available for $200 to $500, the company said at the Technology & Maintenance Council annual meeting in Nashville.
FuelDefend also highlighted a recently introduced locking tank cap – the BluCap! – that helps prevent contamination of diesel exhaust fluid tanks and a wheel nut management system – Safe-T-Loc – that indicates and retains loose lug nuts.
The company also said it plans to bring to the United States several products now in use in Europe, including an intelligent sensor system that warns driver and cyclists/pedestrians of truck turns and a wireless self-powered trailer locking system that creates and displays a random digital security seal number on every activation. The system’s battery is expected to last about three years.