Starting on September 27 at 1:30pm EDT, the Alternative Fuel Vehicle Institute is launching a free three-part webinar series called, "The fleet solution: light-duty vehicle options." Part one will feature product presentations from leading OEMs, including invited representatives from American Honda, DaimlerChrysler, Ford Motor Company, General Motors, and Toyota.
The second webinar, scheduled for Tuesday, October 9, will spotlight low-speed electric vehicles available for fleet applications. Invitees include Dynasty Electric, Global Electric Motorcar, Miles Automotive, Phoenix Motorcars, ZAP and Zenn.
The light-duty series concludes on October 11 with a survey of small-volume manufacturers including BAF Technologies, Baytech, Campbell-Parnell, Inc. and IMPCO. All three webinars are free of charge and available to the first 250 people who register.
To learn more or to register, go to