Valuable time can be wasted on a jobsite when there is a need to run two PTO devices but your medium- or heavy-duty truck has only one main drive shaft. Muncie Power Products has a solution with its new Auxiliary Power Drive SS88 Series Splitshaft PTO.
The SS88 makes it possible to mount two, 8-bolt type PTOs in the main drive shaft behind the transmission. There are two shaft torque options available – a 14,000 lbs.-ft. rating and 21,000 lbs.-ft. rating.
A high quality 6-pitch spur gear is equipped in the PTO drive gear for the SS88 and can endure the torque ratings of the large 8-bolt PTOs, such as the Muncie 82 Series, the company said.
Air or hydraulic through shaft options are available to disengage the rear axle which allows for stationary operation. PTOs can be mechanically, air-mechanically and/or air-clutch shifted-- depending on the series specified.