LOUISVILLE. Luber-finer is showing off its filter line this week at the Mid-America Trucking Show, including its time release technology (TRT) oil filter line.
“We are excited to be attending the Mid-America Trucking Show this month,” said Alex Arango, heavy-duty brand manager. “MATS will be a tremendous opportunity for Luber-finer to meet with industry representatives and trucking professionals. We value the chance to discuss what their challenges may be and how we can work together to provide the highest level of customer service and the filter solutions that will help them be successful.”
Luber-finer’s TRT line has been specifically engineered to help reduce escalating fleet-maintenance costs by extending oil-change intervals and increasing the protection against oil degradation in modern diesel engines, the company said.
Also on display this week is the company’s ExtremeClean HD premium cabin air filters with Arm & Hammer Baking Soda odor absorption and carbon activation technology that provides cleaner cabin air while eliminating odors and allergens such as bacteria, pollen, smog and dust.