Oliver Rubber Company has redesigned oliverrubber.com based on customer feedback regarding what features would be most valuable to help them better manage their business. “The result is a more user-friendly and interactive website that provides quick access to the site’s tools, including a retread selector and dealer locator,” the company said.
According to Oliver, new features of the website include:
• Retread selector — redesigned to include more of the information customers ask for, with a search feature that recommends the right retread for their vocation, application, size and position, including SmartWay-verification, winter traction and truck trade-in (where applicable).
• Retread features — can now be viewed in a side-by-side comparison.
• Retread detail pages — each product page includes a large tread image, benefits, fitments, sizes supported and retread specifications.
• Reference section — provides all the reference materials available for a specific tread including product sheets, warranty information and SmartWay designation (when applicable).
“For over 100 years, Oliver Rubber has delivered a wide variety of pre-cure and mold-cure tread rubber to meet the specific needs of both retreaders and commercial end users,” said Adam Murphy, vice president of marketing. “Now, with our customers valued input, they will have the information they requested from the website to make their job a little easier.”