The time to begin writing an article is when you have finished it to your satisfaction. By that time you begin to clearly and logically perceive what it is that you really want to say.
-- from "Mark Twain's Notebook" by Samuel Langhorne Clemens
All of us here at FleetOwner are rather pumped having just learned the editors and designers on staff will soon receive no less than six "Azbee" awards for editorial excellence from the American Society of Business Publication Editors (ASPBE). Founded in 1964, ASBPE is a professional association for editors and writers employed in the business, trade and specialty press (or in what we unromantically call today "the media.")
Four are national awards: Feature Article ("Fuel: Diesel & Beyond," Aug. '07); Special Supplement (our special annual "13th" issue Can You Survive? , " Nov. '07); Annual Buyers Guide ("Annual Specs & Buyers Guide," Oct. '07), and Front Cover Design ("Annual Specs & Buyers Guide," Oct. '07).
The other two awards are for the Northeast Region, which includes all publications based in Boston, New York and Philadelphia. FleetOwner is being recognized for the categories of Editorial/Editor's Letter ("Editor's Page," July and Aug. 2007), and Front Cover Design ("New Models," July 2007).
In any line of work it's always nice to receive the equivalent of a standing ovation for your efforts but it is ever more satisfying when the applause comes from your professional peers.
We daresay this recognition should also please our readers. The multiple national Azbees in particular reflect the impact the combined efforts of the entire editorial and design team delivers not just now and then, but issue after issue, month after month in print, and day after day online.
Yes, OK, we like to win awards as much as the next guy.
But above all, we take pride in knowing what we do is all about you.