And if the government feels this data is that vital, might it then want to “own” the data recorded by these devices once they are installed on all U.S.-based trucks? Maybe we’ll be told it’s a national security issue - it will prevent drug trafficking, human smuggling, illegals from entering the country. Doubtful. The proposed trucking program would require EOBRs for Mexican trucks inside the U.S. The government owning the data is not going to prevent any of these things from taking place. Maybe the government just wants to know where these trucks are at all times. Talk about trust issues.
A spokesperson for the Texas Dept. of Public Safety told the Texas Tribune in January that the resumption of the program would not increase drug trafficking or any other illegal activity coming across the border.
“The Texas DPS has significantly enhanced commercial vehicle enforcement activity along the U.S.-Mexico border since 2003-2004 through border staffing grants from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration in anticipation of the full implementation of NAFTA at some future date,” said Tela Mange, told the paper. “All commercial vehicles, including commercial vehicles operated by Mexican-based carriers, entering the U.S. through commercial border crossings from Mexico are already subject to various types of inspections by the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol, as well as the Texas DPS.”
Without knowing the real logic behind this move, it looks on the surface as though the Administration could have inserted this provision knowing that it would create controversy here in the U.S. What American is going to want their tax dollars to go towards buying a piece of electronic equipment for a Mexican truck just so they can operate in the U.S.? Not many. And what Congressman is going to vote to provide the funding for this? Not many.
With the anger that this is sure to cause, it could jeopardize the cross-border trucking program. Is that the real goal here?
While we all have issues with our elected representatives, I don’t think many people believe they are stupid people. I don’t think Obama or his advisors are stupid either. So I find it hard to believe that they will be surprised by the reaction that this proposal will generate, and in fact, I wonder if it’s included to generate just this reaction.
Someone needs to either explain what the national security interest is in spending U.S. tax dollars to purchase EOBRs for Mexican trucks, or drop the proposal and require the Mexican companies to buy their own EOBRs if they wish to operate here.
In America, we call that the cost of doing business.
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