During a press event announcing that Smith Electric Vehicles will be building a manufacturing plant in the South Bronx to produce the all-electric Newton, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo also made plenty of alternative-powered supporters smile with another announced.
New York State will make $10 million available next year as part of a five-year incentive program to encourage the purchase of electric vehicles. The federally funded electric vehicle buyer incentive program will be funded by the through federal Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality funding. It will be administered by the New York State Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA).
The program will offer vouchers up to $20,000 per vehicle for a new plug-in all-electric vehicle producing zero emissions. Any vehicle over 10,000 lbs., regardless of manufacturer, will be eligible once the program is implemented, expected in the spring.
“We’re pleased that $10 million of our Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program funding will not only improve the air quality of our state but also incentivize companies like Smith Electric to create jobs in New York,” State Dept. of Transportation Commissioner Joan McDonald said. “This is a perfect example of the link between transportation and economic development.”
“This new electric vehicle (EV) buyer program will play an important role in increasing the number of EVs on New York’s roads. EVs are not only a cleaner alternative to combustion engines but reduce the consumption of fossil fuels and the emission of greenhouse gases,” said Francis J. Murray Jr., president & CEO of NYSERDA. “We are pleased to join Governor Cuomo in welcoming Smith Electric Vehicles to the Bronx and applaud their creation of more than 100 jobs for New Yorkers.”
Officials hope the program will replace at least 450 emissions-producing vehicles in 2012, resulting in 11,700 tons of greenhouse gases removed from the environment and saving 1 million gallons of diesel fuel.