PrePass enables qualified motor carriers to comply electronically with state weight, safety and credential requirements at normal highway speeds. Carrier participation is strictly voluntary and participation is subject to strictly enforced state safety standards. Participating carriers pay a nominal fee for each successful bypass.
PrePass is slated to be deployed at 14 other locations across Virginia, including: Alberta NB & SB on I-85
Carson NB & SB on I-95
Dumfries NB & SB on I-95
Sandston EB & WB on I-64
Troutville NB & SB on I-81
Bland NB & SB on I-77
Stephens City NB & SB on I-81
“We’re pleased to have Virginia as an active part of the PrePass grid,” said Richard P. Landis, present & CEO of HELP Inc., the PrePass system provider. “Inauguration of Virginia PrePass service continues our progress toward enhanced efficiency for our customers and improved highway safety.”
Launched in California in 1995, PrePass is operational at 193 locations with an additional 66 sites committed.
Twenty-four states have deployed -- or committed to deploying – PrePass. These are: Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, New Mexico, Nebraska, Nevada, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming.