In a survey conducted at the eyefortransport 7th 3PL Summit last week in Atlanta, GA, more than 60% of the respondents said they believed that, from now to the end of 2009, the overall health of their company would be “better or much better.” Just fewer than 30% said they expected their business to be the “same.”
The survey, conducted by Transite Technology, was a random sample of the more than 300 attendees of the conference representing 3PLs, shippers, carriers, and vendors. 32% of respondents also said they believed the health of today’s U.S. economy was “better” than at the end of last year, while 29% said that they felt it was the “same.”
More than 40% of respondents said that their overall business was currently performing “better or much better” than at the end of last year. Another 45% indicated that their current performance was the same.