Competing against 45 finalists from all of Rush Enterprises’ heavy- and medium-duty dealerships, Jason Swann of Dallas Rush Peterbilt was named “Best All Around Rush Technician” at the mega truck dealer’s first Technician Skills Rodeo. The competition was held over two days at the Rush Nashville Peterbilt dealership.
The purpose of the event, which will be held annually, is to recognize the expertise and professionalism of Rush’s nearly 700 technicians and their contributions to the company’s success, according to chairman Marvin Rush.
Over 350 technicians completed voluntary training to qualify for initial screening tests covering Caterpillar engines, Cummins engines and Eaton transmissions. The top 15 scorers in each area were flown to Nashville for a hands-on competition where they were required to diagnose and repair a variety of problems under timed conditions. The best three in each area then went on to compete for the top all-around honors with a separate hands-on contest that taxed both knowledge and diagnostic skills.
The overall winner Swann came to the Dallas heavy-duty shop just seven years ago from an area vo-tech school. He credited his rapidly acquired expertise to mentoring from other senior techs in the Dallas shop and training opportunities offered by the company.
Second place in the overall competition went to Randy Hughes of Rush Truck Center in Texarkana and third to Bryan Bond of the company’s Greeley, CO, dealership.
Placing first in the Caterpillar Technician competition was Erick Lincoln, from the Albuquerque Rush Truck Center. John Newby from the company’s medium-duty dealership in Dallas was the top Cummins Technician, and Swann was top Eaton Technician. Those that place in the top three of each category, as well as the overall top three, received cash prizes ranging from $2500 to $5000.