The UPS Foundation, a nonprofit founded by United Parcel Service back in 1951, recently awarded more than $1 million in grants to a range of environmental organizations.
The World Resources Institute received $200,000 to support its “Green House Gas Protocol” initiative that defines and promotes public reporting of companies' greenhouse gas emissions, and Keep America Beautiful garnered $200,000 for its 2010 Community Improvement program, focused on recycling, conservation, education and employee engagement. In addition, the National Arbor Day Foundation was given $50,000 for reforestation efforts in California's Plumas National Forest damaged by recent fires, and the Nature Conservancy received $250,000 for reforestation among other initiatives. and protection of forests in Kenya, the development of a carbon offset program in Brazil, and completion of the first part of a climate change assessment in China.
In 2008, The UPS Foundation added “environmental sustainability” to list of focused giving areas to complement its attention to environmentally responsible business practices. In 2007, The UPS Foundation donated more than $46 million to charitable organizations worldwide.