The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Assn. has issued a “call to action” to truckers urging those who live or drive through Idaho to contact state legislators to ask for their support of state senate bill S1229 that will rid the state of speed differentials by authorizing trucks to travel 75 mph on Interstate highways. Currently, trucks are limited to 65 mph.Discussion on the bill to do away with split speed limits on Idaho Interstates, originally schedule for last week, has been moved to tomorrow at 1:30 p.m. in Room WW53 in the state capitol building.
On Feb. 2, a committee voted 5-4 to hold onto the bill to rid the state of speed differentials by authorizing trucks to travel 75 mph on Interstate highways. Trucks now are limited to 65 mph along those stretches while all other vehicles can travel 75 mph.
The majority of Senate Transportation Committee members said at the time they were not convinced the change is necessary. But there is still a chance the bill could advance from committee, according to OOIDA.
The committee is expected to vote on Thursday to advance S1229 with the intention it will be amended on the Senate floor. The expected change would reduce the speed gap by allowing trucks to go 70 mph.
Members of the Senate Transportation Committee need to know that by having vehicles travel at or near the same speed, the need for passing, lane changes, tailgating, and other maneuvers that create opportunities for drivers to make mistakes is minimized, OOIDA said.
“This isn’t rocket science,” an OOIDA representative said in the call to action. “It is vital that we get this message to lawmakers because they will most definitely be hearing from those opposed to any effort that would result in higher speed limits for trucks. An email and a phone call could do wonders to help ensure lawmakers support this important effort.”
OOIDA provides the following links to legislative contact forms for Senate Transportation Committee members:
Sen. James Hammond, chairman (bill sponsor)
Sen. Bert Brackett, vice chairman
Sen. Steve Bair
Sen. Diane Bilyeu
Sen. Tim Corder
Sen. Shawn Keough
Sen. John McGee
Sen. Elliot Werk
Sen. Chuck Winder