To encourage truckers to try the toll roads, the Texas Dept. of Transportation is giving truckers a month-long discount on tolls on two Central Texas toll roads in February. Truckers using Interstate 35 to U.S. 183 and State Highway 45SE will get a break on the price they have to pay up to 67%.
Beginning this week and ending March 3, truckers who drive nonstop between Georgetown and Buda on the SH 130/SH 45SE toll bypass will pay the passenger vehicle toll rate of $11 or less. For trucks with four axles or more, the discount provides more than a 67% discount. The toll discount for trucks is extended as an incentive to reduce truck traffic on I-35 through the Austin area, according to a KXAN News report.
“Our goal is to address congestion and help people get to their destinations faster than sitting on I-35 through Austin,” said Phil Wilson, TxDOT executive director. “This is a great way to have trucks try SH 130 and see its benefits.”
Toll rates on other Austin-area toll roads, including Loop 1, SH 45N, US 183A, US 290 East and SH 130 Segments 5 & 6 (from Mustang Ridge to Seguin) will remain unchanged during the promotion.
“We think if they try it they'll like it. We’re excited to see if they get out there and pay $11 or less to drive 56 miles, it's worth it,” TxDot spokesperson Kelli Reyna said.