Here are five things worth knowing today: 1. Trucking logistics and schedules are being adjusted for truck drivers dealing with the flooding in South Carolina, Fox 8 reports. According to the report, record flooding shut down 70 miles of I-95, and detours are affecting truck deliveries up and down the East Coast. According to a report in Land Line Magazine, President Obama declared a state of emergency in South Carolina, and the governor signed a proclamation suspending hours-of-service requirements so truck drivers could deliver equipment, supplies and other needed items to help with flood relief. 2. A new poll in Rhode Island shows that residents would prefer a new highway toll on large trucks over gas-tax hikes, the Providence Journal reports. The survey, conducted for the Hassenfeld Institute for Public Leadership, found that 76% of those surveyed said the state spends “too little” on road and bridge maintenance, but 69% oppose increases to the state’s gas tax. Though most of the 403 registered voters surveyed approve truck tolls over a tax increase, that support is thin, according to the Journal. “Only 53% favor the idea as a way to fix the state’s most deteriorated bridges, while 44% are opposed, according to the poll,” the Journal reports.3. Werner Enterprises announced its acquisition of the American Institute of Trucking (AIT) and Roadmaster Drivers School. Werner completed its acquisition of AIT in August 2013, and the Roadmaster acquisition was completed in May 2014 for undisclosed amounts. AIT, based in Phoenix, AZ, has three southwest U.S. school locations. Roadmaster, based in Tampa, Florida, has 13 school locations throughout the U.S. The acquisition announcements were delayed to allow for a full-system integration and to ensure that student employer of choice remained a priority. “Trucking is the backbone of our nation’s economy, and our future depends on making sure we have the best professional drivers in place to deliver this freight,” said Derek Leathers, Werner president and COO. “This was a long-term strategic investment to ensure a stable flow of highly trained student truck drivers in a time when the entire industry is facing a significant driver shortage.”4. A plow driver and owner of a trucking company reports that the City of Buffalo has yet to pay him for work he did during the major snowstorm last November, WKBW ABC 7 reports. Ron Davis told News 7 that Hydro Lawn, a FEMA-approved company that was contracted by the city, called him last year for snow removal in South Buffalo. Davis reports that his company did more than 70 hours and nearly $6,000 worth of work. But when he presented Hydro Lawn the invoice, he found the company went out of business. Davis has tried to contact the city to get his money, but has had no luck, according to the report. He also told news 7 that he knows of at least two other trucking companies who have not been paid either.5. Indiana’s Department of Transportation is testing signs that sync to traffic signals and tell drivers how fast to go if they want to make the next green light, according to an Indiana Public Media report. According to the report, INDOT believes the signs could increase fuel efficiency and help lower carbon emissions. The signs are along State Road 37 in Morgan County and lead up to the Rte. 144 intersection, according to the report.