Yokohama Corporation of North America (YCNA), which oversees all Yokohama-related operations in North America, and a wholly-owned subsidiary of Tokyo, Japan-based The Yokohama Rubber Co. (YRC) announced several corporate strategic management changes, effective March 30. These changes and promotions include:
- Hideto Katsuragawa, who is a member of the YRC Board and senior managing corporate officer has been appointed CEO of YCNA and CEO of Yokohama Tire (Canada) Inc. Katsuragawa will be based in Yokohama’s U.S. headquarters in Southern California. He will succeed Takaharu Fushimi.
- Takaharu Fushimi, who has been CEO of YCNA, CEO of Yokohama Tire (Canada) Inc. and CEO of Yokohama Tire Corporation (YTC) since 2014, will return to YRC as managing corporate officer and head of tire overseas sales & marketing division.
- Shinichi Takimoto, a corporate officer at YRC has been named CEO of YTC and CEO of Yokohama Tire Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V. (YTMX).
- Takayuki Hamaya, who has been YTC’s COO since 2012 has been named president of Yokohama Russia, the Russian sales subsidiary of YRC.
- Tetsuya Kuze, who is a member of the YRC Board and managing corporate officer, will become a managing corporate officer with YRC and has been named vice president of YCNA and CEO of Yokohama Tire Manufacturing Mississippi (YTMM). He will be based in Mississippi and will succeed Tadaharu Yamamoto.
- Tadaharu Yamamoto,who has been YTMM’s president since 2013 will return to YRC as newly-appointed corporate officer and acting head of tire business planning division and head of tire business planning department.
- Satoshi Miyata will return from YRC to the U.S. to assume the post of EVP and CFO for YCNA.
- Naoki Takeda, who has been YTC’s EVP and CFO since 2013 will return to YRC for a leadership position to be announced at a future date.