C.R. England has added six drivers to its Honored Veterans Fleet and recognized World War II-era veteran Colonel Gail S. Halvorsen USAF (Ret) "The Berlin Candy Bomber" as the first recipient of the first C.R. England Honored Veteran Award. The recognitions took place on Friday, June 17, at the C.R. England corporate offices in Salt Lake City.
C.R. England said it has been recognizing superior drivers with military service backgrounds in its Honored Veterans Fleet since 2014. The newest members of the Honored Veterans Fleet include:
- Mark Evans, 23-year Air Force veteran
- Leland Boyles, 10-year Army veteran
- Bryan Walk, eight-year Navy veteran
- Dennis Hallowell, seven-year Marine Corps and Army veteran
- Timothy Williams, four-year Navy veteran
- Robert St. John, four-year Marine Corps veteran
Following the recognition of the new members of the Honored Veterans Fleet, C. R England Chairman Dan England presented Colonel Halvorsen with the first C.R. England Honored Veteran Award. England noted that this award would be presented at future current or past members of the United States Military recognizing extraordinary service to the country.
After WWII, Halvorsen flew in the Berlin Airlift. During the 15-month airlift (Operation Vittles), American and British pilots delivered more than two million tons of supplies to the city. But it was Halvorsen's decision to airdrop candy to children (Operation Little Vittles) that clinched an ideological battle and earned him the lasting affection of a free West Berlin. Today, Halvorsen is affectionately known by Berliners and many around the world as the Candy Bomber ("Rosinenbomber"), Uncle Wiggly Wings ("Onkel Wackelflugel") and the Chocolate Pilot. Much of the candy dropped was provided by The Hershey Company. The blockade of Berlin began in June 1948 and ended in May 1949. Flights continued until Sept. 30, 1949, to build up reserves.
Katie Freisen, senior director, Global Distribution & Transportation represented The Hersey Company and presented Halvorsen, the new Honored Veterans Drivers and those in attendance with Hershey candy bars. Hershey was a contributor of candy airdropped by the Candy Bomber, according to the company.