Multi Transports, a French trucking company; Jean-Paul Michelon, a specialist on road information technology; and France TAlAcom, a telecommunications operator, developed a tool that makes use of the GSM Data radio communications network. Known as the Agat System, this tool is distributed worldwide by Michelon's company GIT (Groeneveld Information Technology), a joint Franco-Dutch company.
The on-board computer and radio communications network allows the driver to indicate load and delivery status to company headquarters. The volume of freight remaining on board the vehicle also is indicated. The transport company then can invoice without delay and send the driver new instructions, with the route optimized by computer.
French and European freight companies intend to offer tracking of their goods via Intranet-Extranet communication networks and on-board computers placed in the trucks. They have organized the Sicadom project within the framework of the European Eureka research program to achieve this. This project includes Multi Transports; GIT; the French software company Deltis; the Belgian service provider NAosys; and the laboratory CEDITI (Center for the Dissemination of Information Technology), which produces Intranet enterprise software. With financing of about $2.2 million, the project is due for completion at year-end.
Pennzoil, Sign Agreement Pennzoil has completed a new supply agreement with that will allow more than 74,000 members of the web site to purchase motor oil and other lubricants at discounted prices. Pennzoil becomes the exclusive supplier of heavy-duty engine oil and lubricants to, a business-to-business, cooperative Internet service for the for-hire and private carrier trucking industries.
Long-Life is blended with PureBase, which is 97 percent contaminant-free, and with a patented additive system. The oil exceeds the CH-4 Plus specification and all major engine manufacturers specifications, including Mack EO-M Plus and Cummins CES 20076.