A second edition of Jon Schreibfeder's book Achieving Effective Inventory Management is available from the National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors (NAW) through the web site www.nawpubs.org. Containing an additional 70 pages as well as a spreadsheet, the publication discusses how to:
Organize a warehouse to reduce order-processing costs.
Minimize losses caused by shrinkage and obsolescence.
Improve demand forecasting.
Analyze inventory to find new profit opportunities.
Develop dynamic safety stock allocations.
Also part of this version is a computer disk containing an “Inventory Analyzer,” which produces reports on the current state of the user's inventory.
The author has prepared 12 Excel spreadsheets on floppy disk. These spreadsheets, using data downloads from the distributor's company computer, can be used to provide information on several inventory situations.
Book and spreadsheet set are sold separately or together. Prices for the book are: $64 for NAW direct members, $69 for members of NAW member associations, and $79 for nonmembers. Spreadsheets prices are: $64 for NAW direct members, $69 for members of NAW member associations, and $79 for non-members. Prices for the book-and-spreadsheets set are: $119 for NAW direct members, $133 for members of NAW member associations, and $155 for non-members.
A 5% discount applies to all orders through NAW's web site. Phone orders to 202-872-0885; fax to 202-785-0586.