Thermo King of Fargo doubled in size with the acquisition of sister dealership Mid-Canada Thermo King in Winnipeg, Manitoba. The dealership, now a wholly owned subsidiary of Thermo King of Fargo, officially became Thermo King of Mid Canada.
The acquisition expands Thermo King of Fargo's territory from North Dakota and parts of Minnesota and South Dakota, into Manitoba and Saskatchewan. Dick Springer, owner and president of Thermo King of Fargo, said, “Our growth opportunity in North Dakota is somewhat limited, so I knew we had to expand by acquiring an existing dealership. I never dreamt of looking at another country.”
Previous owner Pete de Hebreard divided his Cummins Mid-Canada and Mid-Canada Thermo King businesses and sold the Thermo King business to Springer.
Thermo King of Mid Canada has 17 full-time employees and is housed in a 22,565 square-foot, seven-bay facility with lounge and shower amenities for customers. The parts department and shop are open Monday through Friday, 24 hours a day. It has two UpTime mobile service trucks, and the parts department makes regular deliveries to customers. The dealership services both Manitoba and Saskatchewan.