The North American Produce Transportation Working Group (NAPTWG), representing produce transportation stakeholders from associations and industry groups across North America, is providing the new North American Produce Transportation Guidelines.
This document integrates multiple existing transportation guidelines into one best practices document that can be used throughout North America to ensure the ongoing vitality of the carrier sector. These best practice guidelines were agreed to by various stakeholders in the produce supply chain and were reviewed and endorsed by the Blue Book and the Dispute Resolution Corporation (DRC) to ensure compliance with industry trading guidelines for North America.
NAPTWG aims to provide necessary guidance for seamless product movement and to ensure that the produce industry continues to have sufficient access to carriers to meet the needs of the produce industry in North America.
Best practices are generally accepted, informally standardized techniques, methods, or processes that have proven themselves over time to accomplish given tasks. By following proper processes, checks, and testing, a desired outcome can be delivered more effectively with fewer problems and unforeseen complications. In addition, a best practice can evolve to become better as improvements are discovered. The NAPTWG compilation of best practice guidelines is intended to be an evolving document to guide efficiency in produce transportation.
The document is available free of charge to the produce industry and carriers at