IFCO Systems, provider of reusable plastic containers (RPCs) for fresh products, will provide containers to Foodshare, a Connecticut-based charity that targets hunger issues.
Foodshare will use the RPCs to transport produce and other grocery products from its facility in Bloomfield CT to about 300 partner locations in the greater Hartford CT area.
“The RPCs IFCO is providing will improve the productivity of Foodshare’s delivery system and reduce product damage while decreasing environmental impact,” said Fred Heptinstall, president and general manager of IFCO Systems US. “IFCO is proud of our new partnership with Foodshare and of the commitment we’ve made to supporting food banks throughout the world.”
Foodshare brings together individuals and organizations to create effective answers to end hunger in all 42 towns of Hartford and Tolland counties. Since 1982, Foodshare has sought to end hunger in this region. Working in partnership with other community leaders such as the United Way, End Hunger Connecticut!, and 211 Infoline, Foodshare has the experience and is building the networks necessary to help make this vision a reality.
With more than 170 million RPCs in circulation worldwide, IFCO handles all RPC logistics, from manufacturing to cleaning to re-entry into the supply chain. After retail use, its RPCs are folded, collected, and shipped back to one of IFCO’s service facilities, where they are sanitized and prepared for re-use.
Access www.Foodshare.org for more information.