TMW Systems Inc. announced the release of TMT Fleet Maintenance for Windows Version 9. The application is offered by the TMW Asset Maintenance Software unit, previously known as TMT Software, based in Durham NC. It helps companies performing fleet and equipment maintenance and repair operations to improve efficiency, collaborate, and electronically communicate with vendors, suppliers, and OEMS.
The new release extends the automation of the entire fleet maintenance and repair function while still interfacing to leading accounting software and includes electronic GL coding-to-inventory capabilities. For more transparency to operational costs, a new feature presents company management with a comprehensive accounting of vehicle maintenance and repair with the ability to drill down into costs — even for a single piece of equipment — throughout an entire vehicle lifecycle.
TMT Fleet Maintenance for Windows V9 enhances the ability of independent, retail service centers to compete more favorably with dealerships by adding support for multi-company fleet unit designations, packaged pricing, and job code and task-based pricing.
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