Food Tank: The Food Think Tank (, founded by food and agriculture experts Ellen Gustafson and Danielle Nierenberg, launching January 10, 2013, will help propel change by fostering the growing community of voices on food issues.
The website will be an interactive global resource for food and agriculture-related issues and a home base for connecting those involved in the food system, from producers and consumers to policymakers and activists.
Roughly a half-century after the Green Revolution—the first systematic, large-scale attempt to reduce poverty and hunger worldwide—a large number of people is still chronically without food, reliable income, and access to education. In the past 30 years, the Western food system has been built to promote overconsumption of a few consolidated commodities and has failed to be the harbinger of health as it spreads globally. The epidemic of obesity, in industrialized and developing nations alike, is increasing risks of diabetes, cardio-vascular disease, and other maladies.
Food Tank is planning a 2013 Change the Food System summit. It is conducting on-the-ground research both domestically and internationally, preparing research reports and books, highlighting road maps for sustainable agricultural systems, and building an innovations database. The website will be posting new research and insights daily.
E-mail Nierenberg at [email protected] or call 202-590-1037; or Gustafson at [email protected] or call at 917-617-1276.