Benefits for sellers who use Cold Truck:
•The site is cost-free.
•It provides sellers with access to buyers worldwide.
•Operational costs could be decreased.
•Units can be sold separately from the truck to increase income.
•Units can be advertised for sale prior to purchasing a new ordered one.
•Optimal trade-in options are available.
•Money transfer guarantee (escrow service) for the sold units is ensured.
Benefits for sellers who use Cold Truck:
•The site is cost-free.
•It is genuinely adapted for purchasing secondhand units in line with practically any budget at hand, and mostly at less than 50% of a new cooling unit or reefer container.
•The site provides an opportunity to be exposed to reliable and cheap units by purchasing directly from a worldwide variety of sellers.
•The site provides opportunities for dealers and maintenance institutions to increase revenues and expand the variety of products they offer to customers
•Through Cold Truck partners, both seller and buyer enjoy secure and easy tools to commence with trade.
Email [email protected], access, or phone 1-646-564-5773 for further information.