DriverFacts has recently integrated its data management platform with EBE Technologies’ SHIPS system to help the trucking industry efficiently collect and manage driver data and employment verifications.
SHIPS, a driver applicant tracking system, is used by more than 600 transportation companies to improve operational productivity, provide superior customer service and maximize profitability. System users will have a reliable source through DriverFacts’ database from which to order work histories, PSPs, MVRs and criminal background checks.
EBE’s partnership with DriverFacts joins a growing list of integrations including McLeod, TenStreet and other risk management software. These partnerships are another added benefit to using DriverFacts, and the company works hard to ensure that each of its integrated systems partners receives the best customizable solution possible.
John Christner Trucking has used the EBE/DriverFacts integrated system since 2014 to pull driver verification reports including MVRs, CDLIS, PSPs, Vigillo scorecards and criminal reports. When the report is available, it gets delivered by the EBE recruiting system and the recruiter is notified by e-mail and text.
Melton Truck Lines, a more recent adopter of the integrated system, also uses the system to receive both preliminary and final work history reports. Having a preliminary work history report allows the company to make pre-hire decisions based on the driver’s past dates of employment and rehire status. Both companies rely on the reliable, trackable data provided by DriverFacts to make staffing decisions in a timely manner.
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