With almost one year down and hundreds of thousands of miles logged, the Freightliner Trucks “Slice of Life” drivers have put their Detroit Diesel DD15-equipped 2009 Cascadia trucks to good use.
Because of the popularity of the Slice of Life program and the positive response from the three participants—Dick McCorkle, Henry Albert, and Kurt Grote—Freightliner Trucks has extended the program with the addition of Detroit Diesel’s BlueTec SCR emissions technology.
In the second phase of the Slice of Life program, Albert, Grote, and McCorkle will each receive a new Cascadia equipped with BlueTec SCR-equipped DD15 engines.
BlueTec—Daimler’s emissions technology—was selected by Detroit Diesel in 2005 to meet the upcoming EPA 2010 emissions standards for heavy-duty trucks.
The Slice of Life drivers have scheduled appearances at the Great American Trucking Show in Dallas TX (August 20-22) and the Mid-America Trucking Show in Louisville KY (March 25-27, 2010).
For more information, go to www.SliceofTruckerLife.com.