The U.S. Dept. of Transportation (DOT) will hold a public meeting Aug. 2 to 4 in Chicago to update attendees on the connected vehicle safety program. The meeting is free, but registration is required. There will also be a special session on Aug. 4 for members of the trucking industry to provide feedback on related commercial vehicle applications for safety.
The meeting will be hosted by the Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office, which is part of the Research and Innovative Technology Administration.
Attendees will hear an overview of the DOT’s plan as well as an update on its Smart Roadside Initiative; be introduced to the Integrated Truck Program team; and be able to attend afternoon breakout sessions focusing on technical issues and programmatic challenges.
The event will take place at the Hyatt Regency Chicago. To register, send your full name, organization and business e-mail address to Adam Hoops at ITS America at [email protected] by July 15.