Dr. Ron Knipling will discuss effective methods for managing driver fatigue during an upcoming webinar for transportation managers. The Driver Fatigue Management webinar, sponsored by Zonar, will be held on Sept. 25 at 1 p.m. Eastern Time.
Knipling is the author of Safety for the Long Haul.
The free webinar will explain the four major factors affecting alertness and how they are addressed by hour-of-service rules, Zonar said. Attendees will learn effective methods for proactively managing driver fatigue and ways to identifying high-risk drivers to help fleet managers ensure the safety of their operation.
Knipling has 30 years of experience in traffic safety R&D with emphasis on driver human factors and motor carrier safety. He has authored more than 130 technical reports and publications, and made more than 100 professional conference presentations, most related to large truck safety. His specialties include driver risk, crash causation, driver fatigue, hours-of-service, and carrier safety management research.
Event registration is free and more details are available at http://zonarsystems.com/landing-page/driver-fatigue-webinar.html.