Las Vegas. Spireon, Inc. announced today that the company has a new partnership with Premier Trailer Leasing. The leasing company will offer Spireon’s FleetLocate Rich Data Trailer Management system to its semi-trailer rental customers. The announcement was made at the 75thannual Truckload Carriers Association (TCA) conference being held here this week.
“We switched to FleetLocate to offer our customers Rich Data, unprecedented visibility into their fleet performance,” said Jim AuBuchon, president of Premier Trailer Leasing. “FleetLocate, paired with Premier Trailer Leasing’s inventory and financial products, provides the tools our customers need to make faster, smarter, more profitable decisions about their trailer operations.”
According to Spireon, Premier’s customers are expected to see a “significant improvement in fleet performance.” The system offers web-based interfaces and dashboards, customizable executive and management reports, exception-based reports, event alerts and PAR-level reports designed to allow managers to identify the optimal number of trailers they need for each location.
“Premier Trailer Leasing had the foresight to recognize the value of capturing Rich Data at the trailer level and [providing] the analytics their customers need to increase loads and turns per trailer, accurately track and optimize trailer inventory at key locations and optimize trailer utilization,” said Steve Blair, FleetLocate’s vice president and general manager.
Spireon was formed in 2011 as the result of the merger of ProconGPS, Inc. with EnfoTrace and PFS, LLC.