New PeopleNet service helps keep control in mix of proprietary, personal apps
PeopleNet has added a new service called Managed Mobility Solutions that it says allows clients to confidently deploy proprietary company apps and approved third-party programs on the same devices running PeopleNet software.
"Through our ConnectedFleet Managed Mobility Solutions, we can support all applications a fleet chooses to install while maintaining end-to-end responsibility for our software," states Tom Fansler, executive vice president of product for PeopleNet. "This solution gives drivers the flexibility to use a device on their own time, running their own personal applications, while giving companies the confidence that work and proprietary software won't be affected," he adds.
According to PeopleNet President Brian McLaughlin, three main models have emerged for businesses to deploy their telematics and fleet management devices and software. "'Fleet managed' is the first — that's where a fleet can lock it down, you're only going to see 'these screens' and it's going to be on the in-cab device. That's kind of the traditional model," he tells Fleet Owner.
"Then on the other side of it, there's BYOD: 'bring your own device,'" he adds, which is essentially where drivers use their own smartphones and load up personal and business-related apps. But McLaughlin cautions that going that route "can be very complicated and puts a lot of burden on the fleet" in terms of maintaining encryption and control.
He says PeopleNet is evolving to focus on a third option somewhere in the middle. "We call it COPE — 'company owned, personally enabled.' And that is where the fleet buys devices for their drivers, puts PeopleNet apps on them, and then also through our Managed Mobility service can allow for drivers to download their own apps" or load the fleet's proprietary software, McLaughlin notes.
New devices
PeopleNet recently announced that ConnectedFleet Managed Mobility Solutions will be available with Samsung's Galaxy Tab A. Partnering with Samsung is part of PeopleNet's focus to address the market need for multi-platform accessibility and enterprise mobility management, the company says.
In addition, the company has certified Zebra Technologies' TC70 mobile computer to run PeopleNet software. As with the Samsung tablets, PeopleNet says the TC70's certification supports the growing industry demand for using devices under the COPE model.
PeopleNet says the goal is to give companies greater access to a range of commercial-grade mobile devices matched to individual trucks with a framework to support multi-platform accessibility and enterprise mobility management.
The company says the benefits of the PeopleNet-loaded Samsung tablets or Zebra devices will include the ability to:
• Easily manage business and personal apps running on the device;
• Remotely assist drivers during support cases and troubleshooting;
• Enhance user experience through customizable home screens; and
• Quickly secure and remove an in-cab device.