Truck video safety and fleet optimization solutions provider SmartDrive Systems has expanded its Transportation Intelligence Suite with SmartIQ Segmentation, which the company says correlates a range of data sources on and off the vehicle to create actionable performance comparisons.
Fleets can use SmartIQ Segmentation to get information across driver segments such as collision vs. non-collision drivers, top distracted drivers compared with a fleet's broader driver population and years of professional driving experience. The new product helps fleets design and customize programs, incentives and management engagement to target specific driver groups, lower costs and maximize return on investment, according to SmartDrive.
"SmartDrive's analysis shows that collision drivers have twice as many near-collisions, consume over seven percent more fuel and rank higher in every category of distraction," said SmartDrive CEO Steve Mitgang. "Fleets need this information not as an interesting data point, but as actionable insights based on the performance of their own driver population.
"With SmartIQ Segmentation, we've put the power in the hands of the fleet to identify new performance patterns and turn that knowledge into personalized action plans that yield measurable improvements in safety, fuel consumption and driver retention," Mitgang continued.
Traditional segmentation approaches too often rely on historical, demographic or transactional driving data and present results in static, tabular reports, SmartDrive notes. SmartIQ Segmentation takes a different approach, the company explains, by combining "verified risk data that can only come from video, real-time vehicle data and other historical fleet information to create driver segments that uncover new, actionable insights delivered in easy-to-understand visual dashboards."
For example, a fleet can use SmartIQ Segmentation to easily isolate performance differences between collision drivers and non-collision drivers across a range of safety and operational metrics — and most importantly, to understand specific changes that can be made to improve future outcomes.
With SmartIQ Segmentation, fleets can:
• Develop more relevant training programs and onboarding strategies that are tuned to specific driver needs, such as collision propensity, actual distracted driving and years of CDL experience;
• Lower fuel costs by understanding the relationship between specific driver attributes like driving tenure and fuel consumption;
• Design bonus and reward programs that can improve multiple performance metrics concurrently;
• Reduce turnover by identifying the performance indicators of drivers who leave and those who stay; and
• Direct management resources to opportunities that are likely to have the highest impact and deliver greatest value to the business.
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