PIT Group announced plans to offer testing and verification of Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs). The testing will follow the latest version of the ELD Test Plan and Procedures issued by the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), the company said.
“In advance of the ELD mandate in the U.S., a growing number of suppliers are self-certifying ELDs,” said Yves Provencher, director of the PIT Group. “But suppliers that come to us for ELD verification will differentiate themselves in the market because our testing is thorough and unbiased, and it will cover the most up to date requirements in the ELD rule.
“An ELD provider that has a certificate of verification from the PIT Group can provide its fleet and driver customers with the assurance that their product has been independently verified,” Provencher added. “PIT Group’s expertise in testing ELDs can also benefit trucking companies by helping ensure that company drivers and owner-operators are only using a fully verified ELD.”
PIT Group testing for ELD verification will follow FMCSA’s ELD Test Plan and Procedures related to the U.S. ELD rule, including but not limited to Chapter 1: User Accounts, Inputs and Vehicle Interface; Chapter 2: Data Processing, Monitoring and Recording, and Chapter 3: Outputs and Data Transfer.
In addition to the FMCSA ELD functional requirements, PIT Group said it will also perform an operational evaluation for vehicle interface, mobile ELD units; driver interface and operation; back office application (motor carrier), and roadside enforcement.
Earlier this month, EROAD, a provider of transport technology and services, including automated solutions to manage and pay road user charges, to meet regulatory and compliance obligations, and to provide a range of commercial services, announced it will be the first supplier to provide the PIT Group with an ELD solution for independent testing and verification.
Announcing the relationship, EROAD COO Jarred Clayton said, “We know how much compliance matters to our customers, which is why EROAD follows rigorous internal testing procedures and protocols for our tax and compliance solutions. We are going one step further by adding PIT Group’s independent testing and verification to assure carriers that the ELD they have chosen is best in class and compliant.”
“PIT Group’s expertise in vehicle technologies, telematics and regulatory requirements made it uniquely qualified to demonstrate the feasibility and value of independent testing and verification,” stated Clayton. “They understand fleets. Having worked with fleet managers and manufacturers to provide and select the best technologies for the past eight years, they know it’s about more than just meeting technical specifications. What matters most is ease of use and how it can help the business overall.”
“PIT Group knows the trucking industry and the best technologies that support it,” said Benoit Vincent, senior researcher at the PIT Group. “Our extensive knowledge of the U.S. ELD rule and our new testing and verification program will be valuable to ELD suppliers, fleets and the authorities finalizing upcoming ELD regulations in Canada.”