Dorsey Trailer, a division of Pitts Enterprises, announced a plant expansion to its Elba facility. The expansion will add 50 new jobs to the Wiregrass area and usher in more flatbed production, the company said.“Anytime you add jobs, you add a lot of vitality to a city,” said Elba Mayor Mickey Murdock. “Fifty jobs means 50 families get fed, and if you multiply that times four, you get 200 people.”“Flatbed manufacturing is typically a leading indicator, and for them to be expanding and hiring 50 new employees, I think that says a lot about what the strength of the economy is in the local area,” said Jonathan Tullos, executive director of the Wiregrass Economic Development Corporation. “Dorsey has an illustrious history of a 104-year-old company, and very few can claim a birthday like that. It’s just a testament to the people in the area and the products that we produce,” said Jeff Pitts, CEO of Dorsey Trailer. “We’re very excited to have the dignitaries here this morning to celebrate our expansion and announcement of new jobs to the Wiregrass area. We couldn’t be more thrilled.”