If you've ever wanted to see your name in print, this may be your chance...
Even as I pen this post, I am heroically engaged in wrestling to the mat by deadline a feature article somewhat grandiloquently titled "Rethinking the Shop" that will run as the cover story of our March print edition.
As it happens, once word of this pending piece got out to trucking's vast supplier community, I was deluged with offers of information and insights from folks marketing everything from shop software to shop equipment. All good, yes, indeed, as have been the referrals to various state-of-the-art shop operations I received from those contacts or chased down on on my own.
But since you can never have too many good ideas, I am welcoming-- OK, seeking-- any thoughts on what fleets should do to get the most out of their maintenance shop operations.
Got ideas? Get 'em printed in FleetOwner...
I am particularly interested in ideas offered up by the truck fleet managers and fleet owners reading this as they make up the primary readership of FleetOwner, the Magazine.
So what do you think today's shop is all about? Is it saving time and motion? Is it the size of bays and the brightness of the lights? How about service pits or lifts--or maybe both? What about software and how much access should techs have to computers? And what about parts? Etc. Etc. Ect.?
You can send me your thoughts on all this via the nifty comment box below this post or if you prefer not to have everyone reading your words before the magazine comes out, send them in an email to: [email protected].
To be quoted in the article, you must include your name, company name, your title, and the city/state where your company is based.
I thank everyone in advance for playing, but alas must close with this disclaimer: Submissions will be used based on whether they are any good (per yours truly) and if space--rather limited in the real world of ink on paper!-- is permitting.