Highlighting its commitment to the environment, TNT just concluded its Drive Me Challenge. The challenge, which this year involved 16 teams from around the world, challenges drivers to drive as fuel efficiently and as safely as possible.
This year’s winner was the team from the Dutch TNT Post organization, which took the top three spots overall in the competition. The teams competed from June through September in their respective countries. The winning drivers in each country then join their operations manager at the Mira Track in the UK for the world competition.
The winner serves as an ambassador for TNT drivers. Last year’s winner, from Brazil, participated in national road shows offering tips and tricks to help with fuel economy. TNT expects to reduce fuel consumption by 5% through the challenge, saving 18 kilotons of CO2 for the 13 participating countries.
Countries participating included: Express Benelux, Express Italy, Express UK and Ireland, Express Brazil, Express Portugal, Mail Netherlands, Parcel Service, Express China, Express United Arab Emirates, Express Malaysia, Express USA, Express Poland and the European Mail Networks (PostCon).