The American economy continues to improve, with some markets leading the way that are worthy of acknowledging, according to Freightliner Trucks. The North American market producer of vocational trucks believes cities would not be able to thrive as abundantly without work trucks and those who operate them.The Freightliner Trucks Hardest Working Cities program salutes cities spearheading community growth and innovation. The company announced Salt Lake City will be the second city to receive the award. Indianapolis was celebrated earlier this year to kick off the program.“Freightliner Trucks wants to thank those who use our products to achieve great things,” said Diane Hames, general manager, marketing and strategy for Daimler Trucks North America. “Our customers do work that impacts their communities and drives the American economy forward. The Freightliner Trucks Hardest Working Cities program gives us a chance to recognize this important work.”As part of the Salt Lake City celebration, Freightliner Trucks will host an event on May 28 at Warner Truck Centers for customers, truck equipment manufacturers and community leaders. Surprise gift deliveries will be made to local jobsites that morning to thank city workers.“There is a strong correlation between vibrant economies and smart investments made in construction, manufacturing and transportation that help create stronger communities,” said Mary Aufdemberg, director of product marketing for Freightliner. “We’re eager to acknowledge and thank cities that embody determination, innovation and job creation.”The process of identifying cities working the hardest to drive the economy involved an exhaustive review of approximately 400 metropolitan census areas in the United States and Canada, Freightliner said. Data was grouped into 11 different data categories ranging from growth in total employment to contribution to total gross domestic product.