RedTail Solutions Inc is participating in the University of Florida IFAS’s Center for Food Distribution and Retailing (CFDR), Gainesville FL, research pilot featuring RFID technology and network-based information exchange to improve distribution of fresh produce.
Named Visibility Validated (V2), the pilot will measure the impact of improved supply chain visibility between suppliers and retailers. RedTail and other V2 participants hope to show how EPCglobal-based RFID technology will provide supply chain visibility.
Publix Super Markets, a Lakeland FL-based supermarket chain, has volunteered to be the retailer for this project. All tracked shipments will be received at the Publix distribution center in Lakeland. Produce suppliers involved in this project include Del Monte Fresh Produce NA Inc, Tanimura & Antle Inc, A Duda & Sons Inc, and Ballantine Produce Co.
RedTail is developing the business intelligence interface to work with VeriSign’s Track and Trace Services.